
Once,I tried speaking to. Linda Schatte.I didn't have any
luck.But then again*she never listens to anyone either*
so. I'm not the first .Someone has to speak to me or I'm gonna
- . -=r- 1 «r-»o i; ’ rW' * A' * 1 - -- ' - • - _ I hate summers bacaose there's never anything to da; ex-
cept sit around all day and watch TV.You think that's fun?
Lately,I've been writing a lot of stories.I plan to use them
during high school,w ich is really pretty cheap,but I'll
never tell the dumb teachers there a thing.I still think I
could write a book,but I'm not sure yet because I haven't
taken in enough experiences yet.I don't know what I'd write
a book ahout*but I'm sure that when lido write a book,it'11
be good.I kjow I write long; stories,and so does, everyone
else I know.Whenever someone sais to write a short para-
graph about something*! usually end up writing a few pages*
Because of that*I don't think I'll have any tjroublewriting
a book.I have a few zillion promises from people who said
they'd buy my first book,but I doubt any of them will even
remember my name*.
Yesterday was the ultimate in boring days.I sat around
all day feeding pencils that said;Hear the word of God and
do, It.Do- what?I said,but no one was there.The name of the
Church was Mennoni.te,which sounds like a Saturday morning
cartoon that follows something like 'Gods of Gore.* I never
get up early enough to see any more, car toons.I probably
wouldn't, watch them even If I did get up in time.They*re.
all the same.
Being 14 isn't as much fun as it sounds.Whenyou're four-
teeujyou can't drive,you can't, get in: R mo vies, you can't do
much of anything.You know that you could handle a dirty mo-
vie,but no one believes you.There's a few things you can u-
sualiy get away with like getting into an amusement park
without an adult.That isn't the greatest thing,but it's a
start.I used to. think I could pass as an adult,but realized
how stupid that really was.In about a year,I*11 probably be
- Author
- mark thomas